Tony Evans and Carla Crummie: A Ministry of Faith and Empowerment - Abbey Solly

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie: A Ministry of Faith and Empowerment

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie’s Ministry: Tony Evans Carla Crummie

Tony evans carla crummie

Tony evans carla crummie – Tony Evans and Carla Crummie are the founders and leaders of the Urban Alternative, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of urban communities. Their ministry is based on the belief that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for transforming lives and communities.

The Urban Alternative has a wide range of programs and services, including:

  • Church planting and revitalization
  • Leadership development
  • Community outreach
  • li>Social justice advocacy

The Urban Alternative has had a significant impact on the community. The organization has helped to plant over 100 churches, train over 1,000 leaders, and provide food, clothing, and shelter to thousands of people in need.

Church Planting and Revitalization

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie believe that the church is the hope of the world. They have planted over 100 churches in urban communities across the country. These churches are providing spiritual guidance, community support, and social services to people in need.

Leadership Development, Tony evans carla crummie

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie believe that leaders are essential for the transformation of communities. They have developed a leadership training program that equips emerging leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to make a difference in their communities.

Community Outreach

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie believe that the church should be actively involved in meeting the needs of the community. The Urban Alternative has a variety of community outreach programs, including food pantries, clothing closets, and after-school programs.

Social Justice Advocacy

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie believe that the church has a responsibility to speak out for justice. The Urban Alternative is involved in a variety of social justice advocacy efforts, including fighting for affordable housing, quality education, and criminal justice reform.

Key Initiatives and Programs

Tony evans carla crummie

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie have spearheaded several initiatives and programs through their ministry, Urban Alternative, with the overarching goal of empowering individuals and communities to live out their faith in practical ways.

These initiatives address a wide range of social and spiritual needs, from providing resources for families and youth to equipping leaders and fostering community engagement.

Kingdom Agenda

The Kingdom Agenda is a comprehensive initiative that seeks to equip believers with a biblical worldview and empower them to apply it in all areas of life, including their personal relationships, workplaces, and communities.

  • Goals: To provide a framework for understanding God’s purposes and to equip individuals to live out their faith in every aspect of life.
  • Objectives: To develop resources, training programs, and conferences that provide biblical teaching and practical tools for personal and community transformation.
  • Outcomes: The Kingdom Agenda has resulted in a growing number of individuals and churches embracing a biblical worldview and actively engaging in their communities to bring about positive change.

Urban Youth Impact

Urban Youth Impact is a program dedicated to providing support, mentoring, and educational opportunities for at-risk youth in urban communities.

  • Goals: To provide a safe and supportive environment where youth can develop their potential, build character, and make positive choices.
  • Objectives: To offer after-school programs, mentoring relationships, and leadership development opportunities that foster academic success, personal growth, and spiritual development.
  • Outcomes: Urban Youth Impact has helped numerous youth overcome challenges, pursue higher education, and become positive contributors to their communities.

Family Matters

Family Matters is an initiative that provides resources and support for families, focusing on strengthening relationships and promoting healthy family dynamics.

  • Goals: To equip families with biblical principles and practical tools to build strong and healthy relationships.
  • Objectives: To offer marriage enrichment programs, parenting classes, and family counseling services that address common challenges and foster healthy family functioning.
  • Outcomes: Family Matters has helped countless families improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build stronger bonds.

Publications and Media Presence

Tony Evans and Carla Crummie are prolific authors and media personalities who have made significant contributions to Christian literature and broadcasting. Their publications and media presence have played a vital role in disseminating their theological insights and reaching a global audience with their message of faith and practical living.

Evans has authored over 100 books, including bestsellers such as “Kingdom Man,” “Oneness Embraced,” and “The Power of Focus.” His writings explore a wide range of topics, including biblical manhood, racial reconciliation, spiritual growth, and leadership. Crummie, on the other hand, has written several books specifically for women, addressing issues of faith, identity, and relationships. Her books include “Diary of a Single Woman,” “The Bond That Heals,” and “Finding God in Unexpected Places.”

Both Evans and Crummie have been featured in numerous publications, including Christian magazines, newspapers, and academic journals. Their articles have covered topics ranging from theology and ethics to social issues and current events.

Television and Radio

Evans and Crummie have a strong presence on television and radio. Evans hosts the popular television program “The Tony Evans Show,” which airs on several networks worldwide. The show features biblical teaching, interviews with guests, and discussions on current issues. Crummie hosts the radio program “The Carla Crummie Show,” which airs on SiriusXM and other platforms. Her show focuses on faith, relationships, and practical advice for everyday living.

Social Media

Evans and Crummie are also active on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They use these platforms to connect with their followers, share their insights, and promote their ministries. Their social media presence has helped them reach a wider audience and engage with people from all walks of life.

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